Can You Cook Haitian Food?

1) Can You Cook Haitian Food?

How well can you cook Haitian food? Have you ever tried making “ji kole oswa ji manyòk”?

The following video will challenge your ability to think like a Haitian.

During parts of the video, you’ll hear silence. Your job is to fill in those gaps.

  • What did you write for the parts of the video where she was silent? Share your narration (recorded or written) with us, and we’ll give you feedback.

2) A. La. An. Lan. Nan. Yo.

How’s your progress with the definite articles a, la, an, lan, nan, and yo?

The video “Ji Kole / Ki Manyòk” features many Haitian Creole definite articles. Watch the video below and note down:

    1. every definite article that you hear
    2. the associated noun or noun phrase
    3. why that particular article was used

* Don’t watch the video below unless you finished “Can You Cook Haitian Food?” activity *

Use the links below to review Haitian Creole definite articles, if needed.