35 Essential Sentences You Must Know
35 essential sentences you must know Important: memorizing when to use a sentence or word is more important than word-for-word translations.Yes, these 35 sentences are essential for you to learn…
35 essential sentences you must know Important: memorizing when to use a sentence or word is more important than word-for-word translations.Yes, these 35 sentences are essential for you to learn…
Many learners tend to overlook the small yet crucial words "ka", “ta”, "t ap", and "t apral". Let's explore when and how to use these 4 words.
Beginner and intermediate learners sometimes use incorrect terms when referring to family members. English may make this confusing. How about you?
How would you describe the difference between these two words? Are potko and patko the same? How about poko and pakò?
Are you sure you're using pronouns correctly?