J and DJ
How do you pronounce this letter in Creole? Is it like the English “j” in jam? Or the “j” in juice? Nope. Since we don’t want you to mispronounce words with the letter J, please watch the letter J video to see how to say it correctly.
Te Tè Ten
Do you hear the difference when a Haitian uses E, È, or EN? We have noticed that beginners, even intermediate learners, have a problem clearly hearing these three letters. So the question: How do you pronounce the letter these letters?
CH and TCH
Watch the video to hear all the combinations of CH with each vowel. Also, do you know the difference between T, CH, & TCH?
How many E’s, È’s, ENs, and ENN’s do you hear?
Are you pronouncing the letters above correctly? When Haitians speak, are you hearing the differences between the letters? Hearing and knowing the differences will help you improve your pronunciation.
Practice The Letter E
An awesome technique to see if your pronunciation is on point is to shadow or mimic a native speaker. Follow the 6 steps below to improve your pronunciation of the letter E.