Let’s play a game based on the YouTube video: Kreyòl Kap Pale Epizòd 21. Follow the instructions on screen and write down or record your answers. Ann ale!
Did You Know?

- Title: Kreyòl Kap Pale ak Vanessa Fanfan – Epizòd 21
- YouTube Channel: Kreyòl Kap Pale
Enjoy a sneak peek of Lesson 43!
Ou, Or, and Ouè
Ou, Or, and Ouè.
These tiny, short words have been the bane of some teachers’ existence. Some will write entire blogs debating how one of the words should be spelled. Others will spend weeks drilling the correct usage of one of them into their students’ heads. And with the last word, some teachers will halt lessons just to remind a student why it’s wrong in Creole.
Can you guess which word applies to each situation?