Haitian Proverbs and Expressions

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Li pase pa lakou, li pase pa jaden

About this content

Haitian Creole is a beautiful language filled with colorful proverbs, expressions, and vocabulary. Haitians regularly use proverbs and expressions to emphasize the value of family, the healing powers of good food and conversation, quirks of human nature, the unpredictability and inevitability of fate, and the strong social categorization of its people into groups based on socioeconomic factors in Haiti. Learn and use these proverbs to reach the hearts of those you speak to! 

Target Level

Upper Intermediates

What can you achieve with this content?

  • Learn useful Haitian Creole proverbs
  • Expand your vocabulary by learning new words and expressions
  • Advance your speaking skills

Helpful Resource


  1. Choose one proverb
  2. Watch / Read the explanation
  3. Pay close attention to the context 
  4. Repeat as is. Don’t try to change it
  5. Use the proverb multiple times during the week
  6. Repeat the same process the following week

Proverbs and Expressions

Anvan ou monte bwa, gade si ou ka desann li

Credited to https://youtu.be/gVwV_vnS_rg

Anvan chwal te gen maleng, mouch te viv

Credits to https://youtu.be/fRqvqqz76TY

Ale pou ou, tounen pou mwen

Bat chen an, tann mèt li

Bat dlo pou fè bè

Bat kò w

Bèf pa janm bouke pote non li

Chak jou pa dimanch

Credited to https://youtu.be/TmcpaTYhHxc

Chen grangou pa kouche

Credited to https://youtu.be/TmcpaTYhHxc

Devan pòt tounen dèyè kay

Djanni / Dyanni

Frèt kou nen chen

Kal pwason pa lajan

Kase fèy kouvri sa

Li pase pa lakou, li pase pa jaden

M bwè pwa

Maladi pa tonbe sou pyebwa, se sou kretyen vivan li tonbe.

Malè pa gen klaksonn

Pa mete pye nan tout soulye

Pitit tig se tig

Se pa tout sa k briye ki lò. Menm krizokal klere